Your Pre-Test Checklist (After Registration, Before Arrival)

Your Pre-Test Checklist (After Registration, Before Arrival)

So, you’ve locked in your Digital SAT test date online—congrats on clearing that first hurdle. Now it’s time to make sure you’re fully set before the morning of the exam. Think of this as your between-stage guide: you’re done registering, but you haven’t started test-day check-in just yet.

Confirm Your Date, Time, and Location

You probably have an email or on-screen confirmation from the registration process, but it never hurts to double-check. If you need directions, plug the address into your phone or GPS a few days in advance. It’s also worth checking your travel time on the same day of the week you’ll be testing so there are no surprises.

In case you’re still debating your testing venue, our Weekend vs. School-Day SAT post can help you compare location pros and cons.

Plan Out the Night Before

Pick Your Outfit and Pack Your Bag
Go comfortable—dress in layers so you can adjust if the room’s temperature changes. Put all your essentials (ID, ticket, device, charger, pencils, calculator) in a single bag. Having everything in one place prevents last-minute scrambling.

Set Up Breakfast
Even if you aren’t a big breakfast person, consider having something to sustain you through the test. Granola bars, fruit, and water are easy on the stomach. If you have a specific morning routine, try to keep it consistent.

Account for Travel Time
Check traffic patterns or public transportation schedules for the day of the week you’ll be testing. Add a buffer for unexpected delays. If you arrive too late, you risk not being admitted.

Get Your Device Ready

The digital exam hinges on the device you plan to bring. Make sure it’s fully updated, can run Bluebook™ smoothly, and holds a decent charge for at least three hours. If you haven’t installed the Bluebook app yet, grab it now. You’ll need to complete a quick exam setup in the app—don’t wait until test morning for that.

If you requested a loaner device from College Board, keep track of any emails confirming you’ve been approved, and remember to show up at least 30 minutes earlier on test day to pick it up.

Log in to your College Board account and confirm that your admission ticket is generated. Save it as a PDF on your phone or print a physical copy to bring along. It’s easy to misplace paperwork, so having the file stored digitally is a good backup. And if you need a refresher on what the ticket looks like, head over to our Registration Tutorial to see an example.

Gather Your Essentials

You’ll need an acceptable form of photo ID, so review the guidelines in our SAT ID Requirements article. Make sure your ID is valid and not close to expiring. Keep your device charger, a simple calculator if you prefer it to the built-in Desmos calculator, and maybe a small bag or backpack to store everything in one place. Some students also bring a light jacket if their testing room tends to get chilly.

Understand Prohibited Devices and Materials

The Prohibited Devices list is long, but these are the big points:

  • Smartphones: Must be powered off and stored away at all times until dismissed.
  • Smartwatches, Fitness Bands, Bluetooth-Enabled Headphones, or Other Wearables: Not permitted to be used, even as a regular watch.
  • Highlighters, Rulers, Timers, Highlighters, Colored Pencils, Paper, Earplugs: Generally not necessary or allowed for marking on the screen. You won’t be writing on a physical test booklet, so keep these at home.
  • Any Audio or Video Recording Devices: Including cameras, digital watches with cameras, or voice recorders.
  • Separate Tablets or Laptops You Did Not Register: The center will have your registered device info. Attempting to use another device may lead to dismissal.

Following these guidelines is crucial—violations can get you removed from the test center or cause your scores to be canceled.

Double-Check Accommodations

If you have approved accommodations, you should see them listed in your College Board account. Look under your “My SAT” registrations or in your SSD (Services for Students with Disabilities) profile if your school coordinator handled it for you. Some accommodations enable extra features in the Bluebook app, so verify they’re all turned on in a practice run. If something looks off, reach out to your school’s SSD coordinator right away.

Confirm Payment or Fee Waiver

If you used a fee waiver, ensure you don’t owe any additional fees. If you paid via credit card, check that the transaction cleared. It’s a small detail, but if there’s any outstanding balance, you don’t want to risk losing your registration spot.

Final Thoughts

Completing these steps now means fewer surprises later. You’ve already taken a significant step by registering online, but making sure your ticket, device, ID, and accommodations are all set is what really seals the deal. Give yourself a couple of days before test day to confirm you’ve got everything in order, so the only thing left to focus on is bringing your best game to those Reading and Writing and Math questions.

If you’re curious about efficient study strategies during this prep window, swing by our Last Minute SAT Prep Tips page, but remember—everything else you need is right here in this checklist. A little organization now makes all the difference when you power on Bluebook and get ready to show what you can do.