When and How to Guess on the Digital SAT

When and How to Guess on the Digital SAT

Stuck between taking a stab at a tough question or moving on? Guessing can be an art form on the SAT, especially now that it’s digital. Below, we’ll walk you through why guessing is sometimes the best option, when to do it, and how to do it smartly.

Why Guessing Matters

No Penalty for Wrong Answers
Because the SAT no longer penalizes you for incorrect responses, any unanswered question is a missed opportunity. In other words, an educated guess could net you crucial points.

Adaptive Format = Continual Challenge
The Digital SAT’s adaptive testing system means the questions you see can get easier or harder on module 2 depending on your performance. If you find yourself stuck, don’t let one tricky question eat up all your time. (Curious about the mechanics of adaptive testing? Dive deeper here.)

Recognizing the Right Time

1. Clock’s Ticking

If you’re nearing the end of a module and have several questions left, picking an answer rather than leaving it blank gives you a shot at extra points.

Learn how to handle pacing pressure by checking out our post on Mastering SAT Reading Time Management: The Best Time-Saving Strategies.

2. Difficulty Spike

The digital format tailors questions to your performance. If you stumble upon a question that feels way beyond your comfort zone, it’s reasonable to try a quick approach—then guess if it’s not clicking.

3. Familiar vs. Alien Content

If the question references a concept you know well, invest a little time. If it’s something you’ve never seen, cut your losses and guess.

Making an Educated Guess

Process of elimination is one of the best ways to guess effectively.

  • Cross out any answer that’s obviously off-topic or doesn’t fit logically. Even ruling out one or two options increases your odds.
  • For the Reading section, rely on context clues. Unsure how to find them quickly? Practice skimming and deeper reading skills side by side—this guide can help.

Watch for Extremes

  • Answers with words like “always,” “never,” or “all” can be risky if the question deals with subtlety. If none of the other answers are obviously correct, an extreme choice might be worth a second look, but remain cautious.

Mind the Math

  • For a question with numerical answers, do a rough calculation. Answers with drastically different magnitudes from your estimate can be eliminated.

If you worry you’re losing accuracy due to time pressure, try reading more swiftly—here’s a post on Improving Your Reading Speed for the Digital SAT Without Losing Accuracy.

Timing Your Decision

Pacing is critical on the Digital SAT. Decide quickly whether you can solve a question with confidence or should opt for an educated guess.

Mark uncertain questions for review and circle back if you have extra time. This method keeps you moving forward, which is essential for handling adaptive modules and maximizing overall points.

Most importantly, if you see long or hard questions on either of the two sections, skip over them! Leave the hardest ones until the end so that you don't miss valuable points from questions that are easy to answer.

For tips on improving reading pace without sacrificing accuracy, visit this post.

Avoiding Pitfalls

Some students guess too hastily. Others linger and second-guess themselves repeatedly, which wastes time and can lead to mistakes.

Strike a balance. Be decisive but don’t be careless. Never leave a question blank unless time is up and you haven’t had a moment to choose.

Managing Stress for Better Guessing

A calm mind results in clearer decisions. If you feel anxious, use quick breathing exercises or mental resets to stay focused. Try not to let a tough question rattle you. For more tips on handling test anxiety and boosting mental resilience, explore our piece on How to Conquer Test Anxiety and Boost Your SAT Performance.

Final Takeaway

Guessing on the Digital SAT is part strategy, part mindfulness. A reasoned guess—backed by process of elimination or a sense of plausibility—beats leaving a question blank every time.

Recognize the signs that you need to move on, understand when to trust your instincts, and practice these skills regularly. The key is to make guessing an active, thoughtful decision rather than a shot in the dark.

Ready for more insider strategies? Visit our site to read about mastering reading time management, improving reading speed, and reducing test anxiety for a confident performance on test day. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, sign up for our newsletter to receive weekly tips, time-savers, and updates tailored to the Digital SAT.

Good luck, and remember—every question offers a chance for extra points, so don’t leave any blank!